March 8, 2004 - Vol. 15, No. 23

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Nancy Williams

Senior Members
Bob Turner, Peter Karagianis, Paul Normandin

Jeff Stone, Stonehouse Restaurant, with Warren Mitchell

Jeff Stone: future Kiwanian

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Win a Classic!
Thanx to those who worked the roadshow at Steeplegate Mall, Concord, last weekend: Paul Cotton, Warren Mitchell, Michael Bastraw, Don Nelson, Phil Bonafide, Nancy Williams, Bob Turner, Sue Nelson, Jane Thibault, and Roger and Pam Landry. Next up is the boat show at the Winnipesaukee Expo. Friday, March 19, 12n-4p: Paul Cotton, Warren Mitchell; 4p-8p: ___________, ___________. Saturday, March 20, 9a-2p: ___________, ___________; 2p-7p: Michael Bastraw, ___________. Sunday, March 21, 10a-2p: ___________, ___________; 2p-4p: Paul Cotton, Warren Mitchell.

Past Pres.'s Phil Bonafide and Michael Bastraw hold down the fort at the Steeplegate Mall.

Photo by Rick Hopper


They're Here
Roger Landry passed out Kiwanis baseball caps to those who ordered them. They are available for $10 each. You may either pick one up at NAPA Auto Parts or call Roger and he will bring one to the meeting.

Tick Tock
Roger Landry showed off the clock of appreciation for the Laconia Police Dept.

Roger Landry's behind the clock.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


It's a Boy
Pres. Warren Mitchell noted that Sr. Member Carroll Stafford's son Jim is the proud father of newborn 5 lb. Jack Alan.

Chair Joe Adrignola reminded us of our next two Reading Is FUNdamental appearances: Woodland Heights and Pleasant Street, Wednesday, March 17. Woodland Heights, 9a-10a: Larry Murphy, Dianne Roberts, Warren Mitchell, Kathy Calvin, Joe Adrignola, ___________. Pleasant Street School, 1:45p-3:00p: Warren Mitchell, Kathy Calvin, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________.

Joe Adrignola/Jim Fortier, $16

Past Pres.'s Joe Adrignola and Jim Fortier and the money

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Sec.'y Kathy Calvin advises we received a thank-you note from Project Mayhew for last year's donation.

Volunteers on Parade
Kevin Waters, Leadership Lakes Region, advises that we are invited to an event he is chairing called Stand Up and Shout. This event--Winnipesaukee Expo Center, Tuesday, March 30, 11:30a-1:30p--will showcase community volunteerism and award notable high school students. We can become a sponsor of the event for $500 for the luncheon event. For more information go to

Kevin Waters, Leadership Lakes Region and Pres. Warren Mitchell

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Guest Speakers
Past Pres. Joe Adrignola introduced Public Relations Dir. Jackie Bonafide and Young Family Program Dir. Kristen Awrich, Community Health & Hospice to the club. Kristen Awrich pointed out that the Shots for Tots program seems to be making a difference as the demand has slowed down to running it just once a month. Support services and young children programs tend to lose money and need outside support while home and hospice care pays for itself or even turns a profit. The more donations they receive inspires others to make their own contributions, such as the $25,000 from last year's Holiday TV Auction. Single parent families are on the rise and Belknap County. With Lakes Region General Hospital cutting back services, the demand for help will increase. Health & Hospice is looking into more fundraising based on memorial gifts, bequests, and planned giving. For more information go to

Past Pres. Joe Adrignola with Jackie Bonafide and Kristen Awrich, Community Health & Hospice

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Monday, March 29

Monday, March 22

Monday, March 15
The Bike Rodeo committee will meet.

Until a local computer problem is resloved, the Back Issues page will not be updated and some on the mailing list with new addresses may not receive notification of publication. If you do not have the actual link to a particular issue, modify any other issue link be changing the date(s) within.

Green Jello for everyone!

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Michael Bastraw

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Michael Bastraw or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - The Village Bank - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Mitsubishi


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