March 22, 2004 - Vol. 15, No. 25
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Dianne RobertsSenior Members
Bob Turner, Peter Karagianis, Paul NormandinGuests
V.P. Micaela and Claire Carwell, Ryan Shannon with the Key Club
V.P. Micaela Carwell and twin sister Claire Carwell visit from the Key Club.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Also from the Key Club: Ryan Shannon
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Guest Speakers
Pres. Warren Mitchell introduced Jane and Pat Wood, Laconia's Dept. of Planning and Community Development, to the club. They are in the process of generating a new Master Plan for the city--the last one was done in 1991. As part of the plan to soliciting public input for specific actions, they passed out questionnaires to be filled out and returned for incorporation. For more information go to and navigate to the planning section of the website.
Pres. Warren Mitchell and Jane and Pat Wood, Laconia Department of Planning and Community Development
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
It must be official--it's in a three-ring binder. Pat Wood goes over the details while Jane Wood looks on.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Win a Classic!
Thanx to those who worked the boat show at the Winnipesaukee Expo last weekend: Paul Cotton, Warren Mitchell, Michael Bastraw, Roger Ballantyne, Bob Turner, Larry Murphy, Jane Thibault, and Phil Bonafide. Next up we have Moto-Psycho Mania at Whittemore Center, U.N.H. Saturday, March 27, 10a-4p: Paul Cotton, Warren Mitchell; 10a-2p: Steve Loughlin; 12n-5p: Larry Murphy; 4p-8p: Jim and Arline Fortier, Chet and Grace Cilley. Sunday, March 28, 10a-4p: Roger and Pam Landry, Michael Bastraw, Larry Murphy, Joe Adrignola; 4p-7p: Paul Cotton, Warren Mitchell.Bike Rodeo
After some discussion of possible venues and dates for the Bike Rodeo, it was decided that the committee should make a recommendation.RIF
Chair Joe Adrignola advises that the Woodland Heights RIF program that was postponed from last week is on for Wednesday March 25, 9a-11a: Kathy Calvin, Joe Adrignola, Warren Mitchell, Larry Murphy, Dianne Roberts, and Dianne Zawacki.50/50
Dianne Roberts, $14
Dianne Roberts gloats a bit with some help from a friend.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Key Club
V.P. Micaela Carwell reports that the Key Club is involved in a book drive and projects with St. Vincent de Paul.Welcome, Jeff Stone
Sponsor Warren Mitchell introduced our newest member, Jeffrey R. Stone, to the club. Also a Mason and Shriner, Jeff, wife Katy, sons Ryan (aged 8) and Riley (aged 5), live in Laconia and own the Stone House Restaurant on Parade Road. He also works at Stafford Oil and his hobbies include hunting and fishing.
Pres. Warren Mitchell raises the level of difficulty pinning Jeff Stone.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Pres. Warren Mitchell makes it official in front of the banner.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
From: Breton, Richard
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:29 PM
To: ''
Subject: Evening Meeting April 22,2004
Hi Mike
The Southern Carroll County Kiwanis would like to extend an invitation to the Laconia Kiwanis to do an interclub on Thurs. April 22, 2004, 6pm for dinner at the Skylight Dinning followed by Charlie St. Clair & Jennifer Anderson speaking on the History of Laconia Race & Rally--by Reservation only.
Dick BretonMonday, April 26
OpenMonday, April 19
Our guest speaker will be Exec. Dir. Greg Goddard, Gunstock Recreation Area.Monday, April 12
Charlotte Dubois, Salvation Army, will speak.Monday, April 5
Boards meet; NISEMonday, March 29
Laconia Police Lt. John MacLennan takes possession of their new official Kiwanis Klock.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Michael Bastraw
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Michael Bastraw or Steve LoughlinBack Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Motorcycle Raffle
CLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - The Village Bank - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Mitsubishi Contact Webmaster at Mac'N Mike