September 15, 2003 - Vol. 14, No. 50
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Dianne RobertsSenior Members
Bob Turner, Peter Karagianis, Roger Webster, Howard Bacon, Ed Chertok, Dennis DenoncourtSenior Members Ed Chertok and Peter Karagianis
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
On the Scene
V.P. Warren Mitchell attended the busy Laconia Multicultural Market Day Saturday last. He observed two of the programs that our donation went towards: Kids on the Block puppet show and Animal Adventures.Installation 2003
V.P. Warren Mitchell reports we have around 60 signed up for the Installation Dinner which will be held on Monday, September 29, at Pheasant Ridge Country Club. Division 6 Lt. Gov.-Elect Dan Witham will be in attendance for the ceremonies. The Boards has approved member reimbursement for the cost of the event if a guest joins the club. He suggests that not only should members plan on wearing their name tags but guests should be provided with same. Also, an effort should be made to have our members sit with guests. There will be no entertainment so it should be a short evening. This is also a good opportunity to bring in prospective members.Food Shack
Key Club Chair Jim Fortier advises that the next Laconia High School Football home game is this Friday. Members interested in helping at the Food Shack should show up by 6p.Thanx
V.P. Warren Mitchell read a thank-you note from the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation. They note that with our $2500 donation this year, our all-time total stands at $74,650.He Was There
Senior Members Roger Webster and Bob Turner read an article from 2-3 years ago on Past Pres. Leo Sasseville's combat experiences.Sr. Member Roger Webster practices his reading skills.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Sr. Member Bob Turner takes up the tale.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Bearing Gifts
Sec.'y Kathy Calvin reports that Past Lt. Gov. Ken Georgevits will be bringing some club awards with him when he joins us Monday next.50/50
Randy Eifert, $19The Money Shot
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
United Way Golf Tournament Rescheduled
Submitted by Randy Eifert, Event Chair
Due to an univited guest named Isabel, we have changed the date of our golf outing to Friday, Sept. 26th. Attached is a new golfer registration form. We have room for one more tee sponsor if anyone is interested. In addition, we have openings for a handful of foursomes, for those that perhaps could not attend this week and may be able to next (Jim K). Please complete the new reg form and fax it in to the United Way office asap to reserve your spot. Thanks for all your help in supporting our Lakes Region United Way!United Way Golf Tournament
Submitted by Randy Eifert, Event Chair
The 16th Annual Lakes Region United Way Golf Tournament, sponsored by Meredith Village Savings Bank and Laconia Savings Bank, is set this year for September 19th at Waukewan Golf Club. It will be a 1:30 Shotgun, Scramble Format with many prizes to be given away. We are currently looking for corporate sponsors--click here to download the Corporate Registration Form. Click here for the Player Registration Form. This year, unlike prior years, the Golf Outing is going to be held on the same day as the Kick-Off Luncheon for our Annual United Way Campaign. Hope to see many familiar faces there!!! For more information, click here for the Official Cover Letter.Monday, September 29
Installation Dinner 2003Monday, September 22
Jim Carroll with report on the fundraiser for the Veterans' Square project.The gang's all here.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin
Michael Bastraw
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Michael Bastraw or Steve LoughlinBack Issues - Membership - Bylaws
CLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - The Village Bank - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Mitsubishi Contact Webmaster at Mac'N Mike