Kiwanis Kronikle

March 12, 2001 | Volume 12, No. 23/24

Editor Michael Bastraw and Dr. Andrew Garfinkle, M.D., Laconia Eye Associates
Photo by W.S. Loughlin

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Top of the Town, 88 Ladd Hill Rd., Belmont, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary on any Member or his family in case of illness. Email: or


Ed Merski

Senior Members
Bob Turner, Dick Breton, Ed Merski

North to Canada
Sr. Member Dick Breton is putting together a N.E. District goodwill motorcycle trip to Montreal for May 18­21.

We received a certificate of recognition and thank-you letter from Colleen McCarthy for Past Pres. Jim Fortier and Past Pres. Nancy William's participation in the HOBY CLEW program last month.

Chair Nancy Williams passed out guidelines for who we should be looking at as potential members, including: young professionals, parents of sponsored program students, teachers, young couples, and program speakers. If a member is relocating, they should be encouraged to suggest a replacement. We should "always be on the lookout."

Movable Feast
Pres. Don Nelson announced that we have been rescheduled to meet at Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford on Monday, April 2. Meal cost will be $9.75 which will be invoiced as usual. Members with suggestions for alternate meeting locations should let Steve know. We are looking for a reliable location that will provide reasonable privacy and good food affordably.

Retail I.D.D. Donations
Sr. Member Dick Breton reminded members of the individual donor cards for Kiwanis International's Worldwide Service Project to combat Iodine Deficiency Disorders. Members are asked to kick in a buck a week to help meet the remainder of this project's goal. Extra cards are available.

Nominating Committee
Pres. Don Nelson has appointed Past Pres.'s Joe Adrignola (Chair), this writer, Chet Cilley, Jim Fortier, and Steve Loughlin to as this year's nominating committee. Elections will take place at our annual meeting in May. The committee will get together after next week's regular meeting.

Nelson Substitute
V.P. Phil Bonafide will preside over the next two meetings while Pres. Don Nelson is away.


Free Meals
Bob Turner won both free meals which he donated to the Charities Fund.

Sgt.@Arms Roger Landry found Randy Eifert and himself pinless.

Happy Dollar
From Bob Turner for winning the free meals.

Happy Birthday, Manchester
Immediate Past Lt. Gov. Chet Cilley reports that 187 were in attendance at The Puritan Back Room for the Manchester club's 80th anniversary celebration on March 2. He said everyone had "great fun" even though they were all cheek-to-jowl.

Win a Classic!
V.P. Phil Bonafide advises that we will be at the boat show at the Steeplegate Mall, March 16-18. Thursday set-up: Nelson, Bonafide; Friday, 10a-2p: Cilley, Bettoney; 2p-5:30p: Bastraw, Eifert, Williams; 5:30p-9p: Parrott, Nelsons; Saturday, 10a-2p: Calvins, Murphy, Bonafide; 2p-5:30p: Calvins, Nelsons; 5:30p-9p: Landrys, Nelsons; Sunday, 11a-2p: Williams, Bonafide, Loughlin; 2p-6p: Nelsons/Bonafide; Pick-up, 6p: Nelson, Bonafide. The motorcycle is still on vacation at Laconia Savings Bank, where the crew has taken in another $615 bringing their total to $1035. Hats off to Steve Loughlin and his crew.

Guest Speaker
This writer introduced Dr. Andrew Garfinkle, Laconia Eye Assoc. to the club. New to the area this year, he has been practicing LASIK eye surgery for 8 years with 3400 procedures under his belt. This operation uses a computer-controlled Excimer laser to sculpt the cornea to correct near- and far-sightedness as well as astigmatism. The $3000 10-20 min. procedure (with the laser actually firing less than a minute per eye) has over a 96% success rate where at least 20/40 vision is achieved. Dr. Garfinkle's patients have ranged from aged 18-74. At this time, no insurance companies cover the operation, considering it cosmetic surgery.

Happy Birthday
March babies were Jim Fortier and Dan Fisher.

In Four Weeks
The guest speaker will be Sheila Weeks, Belknap Juvenile Justice Initiative

In Three Weeks
We meet at Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford; the Boards meet; NISE

In Two Weeks
Exec. Dir. Connie Morrison, Greater White Mountain Chapter of the American Red Cross will be the guest speaker.

Next Week
Sr. V.P. (Marketing) Bernie McLaughlin, Laconia Savings Bank, speaks on identity theft.

Michael Bastraw

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