March 25, 2002 - Vol. 13, No. 26

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Dianne Roberts

Senior Members
Dick Breton, Ed Merski, Peter Karagianis

Welcome Back
Returning in an upright position was our very own V.P. Larry Murphy after his post-surgery convalescence.

Father Murphy performs the Blessing o' the Tickets.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Win a Classic!
V.P. John Grocki (presiding in Pres. Phil Bonafide's absence and V.P. Larry Murphy's infirmity) points out that Sr. Member Bob Turner is the only one signed up for our next roadshow opportunities at the Steeplegate Mall on Saturday, April 6, from 9a-4p; and the WLKZ Home Show, Winnipesaukee Expo Center, April 13/14, 9a-6p. This is incredible/bordering on tragic. These two venues will only be possible if we get enough names on the sign-up sheets. These are two easy gigs--short-timers, close at hand. Now's a good chance for some new players to get into the game. After this, we only have Keene and Memorial Weekend before the big push during Motorcycle Week; everyone clear your calendars for that one. Omitted from the list of workers from our last appearance at Steeplegate were Ed Merski, and Roger and Pam Landry.

And he's not afraid to use it--Method Acting-Pres. John Grocki

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Sr. Member Dick Breton reports that the Crest promo kits (with toothbrushes, toothpaste, stickers, and other goodies) are in and will be passed out to the schools as the hygienists visit. He had extra bags for members to sample.

Sr. Member Dick Breton with tootbrushes for the youts.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Chair Joe Adrignola reminds us that our next appearance for Reading Is FUNdamental will be at Woodland Heights School on Wednesday, March 27, from 9:30a-11:00a. On board were Joe Adrignola, Chet Cilley, Joe Collie, Michael Bastraw, and Kathy Calvin. More pictures from the event will be posted next week.

Pegleg Joe Adrignola and Ariel Calvin welcome Woodland Heights Elementary Schoolers to RiF Island.

Photo by Michael Bastraw


What Say?
Joe Adrignola reports that several pediatrics doctors are looking into purchasing an infant hearing screening machine for the hospital. Perhaps this is something we may help with?

Diamond Anniversary
Treas. Chet Cilley passed out assignments for members to contact past sponsors for our 75th anniversary Citizen supplement. We had 97 ads in the 70th anniversary edition. We have until the end of the month to match or pass that goal. It's up to everyone to contact those sponsors we only visit once every five years and ask for their support. When the ads are turned in, they should include a contact person as well as all ingredients. Also articles for the supplement should be turned in before the end of the month; the sooner the better and electronically if possible.

"Who wants to call Top of the Town?"

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Dick Breton, $17

Dan Fisher makes the payoff.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Happy Dollar
Sr. Member Dick Breton came up with a dollar for winning the above.

"It only takes one to win."

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Guest Speaker
This writer introduced Exec. Dir. Bruce Van Derven, Lakes Region United Way, to the club. On the job for the past 2 years, Bruce is retired from 27 years with the Air Force's JAG office. He emphasizes that, while they pay dues (.5%) to United Way national, the Lakes Region organization is "local, local, local..." All monies raised in the area stay in the area. Most of their marketing expenses are handled by direct donations ($23,000-worth of public service announcements alone) leaving them with only $180,000 in annual expenses that include all salaries and operating costs. Funds are disbursed to provide Care for Children & Families, Community Transportation Needs, Help for Victims of Domestic Violence, Affordable Healthcare, Hunger & Homelessness, Emergency Care & Disaster Relief, Senior Care, and Drug/Alcohol Abuse (Prevention & Recovery). They are also using volunteers from the State Prison facility in 4-5 hour chunks. The target for this year's fundraising is $600,000, down from last year's record of $631,000. Most of their funds come from payroll deductions, supplemented by special events such as the Blue Grass Festival at Gunstock and their golf tournament. Past Pres. Nancy Williams has been on the United Way's board and are soon to be joined by Randy Eifert and Joe Collie.

Bruce Van Derven puts the squeeze on Past Pres. Joe Adrignola.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Future United Way Boarder Randy Eifert, Exec. Dir. Bruce Van Derven, and (also Board-bound) Joe Collie

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Division Caucus
The new Division 6 (that will include us come October 1, 2002) of the New England District of Kiwanis will be holding its Annual Caucus on Tuesday, April 2. It will be held at Strafford Farms Restaurant on Rte. 108, Dover, 6:00p. The purpose of the Caucus is to elect a Lt. Governor and Lt. Governor-Elect for the Division for the 2002-2003 administrative year. Each club in the Division is encouraged to send an Interclub to the Caucus and each club is allowed to have up to three voting delegates during the Caucus proceedings. Cost will be $10 per person and will include light appetizers. Please RSVP to Lt. Gov. Glen Philbrook at (207) 439-0721 by Friday, March 29 with the number of members who will be attending. Contact Pres. Phil Bonafide if you want to be on the guest list.

Greetings from Arizona
From Sr. Member Roger Webster
Hello: You fellows and ladies appear to be very busy back in New Hampshire. Regret that I am not back to help with the programs. Called Larry Murphy at LRGH when I received the E-mail from you. Glad to hear that he is home and eating solid food again just in time for St. Patrick's Day. Pat and I shall be returning to Laconia on April 24, just in time to get involved in the programs. This Friday morning I will be selling Kiwanis Peanuts in front of a supermarket. The club makes $3500.00 for the two day sale. Had lunch with Leo and Claire Sasseville last Friday. They are planning on coming to NH in August. Regards.

Pres. Phil Bonafide would like all members to review the bylaws and suggest any changes they feel would be in the best interests of the club. The bylaws are now online
here or by clicking the links that will appear on all new Kronikle pages.

Monday, April 8

Monday, April 1
Boards meet; NISE


Sr. Member Ed and Polly Chertok on a cruise.

Courtesy Photo


Michael Bastraw

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Michael Bastraw or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - The Village Bank - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Mitsubishi


Contact Webmaster at Mac'N Mike