News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Immediate Past Pres. Dianne RobertsSenior Members:
Peter Karagianis, Jim Fortier, Howard Bacon, and Paul CottonGuests:
Mindy and Rick Matarazzo from Phantom Phenders
.........Mindy and Rick Matarazzo
Chair of the Elections Committee Joe Adrignola read the slate of proposed officers and Board Members (President Elect Dick Metz, 1st VP Mike Marsh, 2nd VP Denise Dow, Treasurer Joe Adrignola, Dianne Roberts, Peter K, Jim Fortier, Lori Dickson, and Joe Collie) all were voted in unanimously.
Bike Rodeo Update...
Mike Marsh reported that approximately 53 children particiapated in Saturday's Bike Rodeo. Mike noted that, despite the weather, there was a good turn out.
Laconia resident, Abbie Dadian won the bike and stopped by the meeting for a photo op. For some of the highlights of the bike rodeo, check out the pictures at the bottom of this page or "click" here.
Abbi Dadian smiles with joy as she received her new bike.
Pres. Brian Winslow (left) and Bike Rodeo organizer, Mike Marsh (right) look on.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinSpring Cleaning:
Larry Murphy forgot to remind us that Camp Mayhew needs volunteers for May 30th clean-up.Baseball Dilemma:
Denise Dow reports that she has done a good deed and supplied two quadriplegic individuals with Red Sox tickets but now has no way of getting them there…any ideas?50 50...
Joe Adrignola (and Jim Fortier) won 18 dollars.
Joe Adrignola is back on a roll.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
$2 From Joe and Jim
No fines were collected this week.
Guest Speaker:
Roger Landry introduced our guest speaker, Steve Gorse, from Home Energy Products.
Steve spoke about a new home energy product called Skystream. It is a wind powered residential wind turbine designed for homes and small businesses. The Rotor diameter is 12 feet and it can sit on a tower that would have a height of around 50’. (It winches up and down for maintance.)
Steve said there were a few things that are important when thinking about getting one of these units. You should be placing it in a high clear open area, preferably a large acreage. You should be able to erect a tower of about 50’ (there usually is an extensive permit process for towns) and it should be in a “good wind spot”. The package costs approximately $25,000 but may include tax incentives and rebates of up to $15,000 for a net cost of $10,000.
There is a relatively easy installation with a smart base comprised of a concrete footing and attachment bolts, as previouslly noted, the unit winches upright so there is no need for a crane. The unit is designed for a 20 year lifecycle and requires a 2-5 year maint. cycle for the bearings in the blades and the yaw that spins the head. The wind turbine is designed so that it takes an 8 mph wind to turn it and it actually will stop turning if winds exceed 60 mph. It is designed, however, to withstand 150 mph winds.
The Skystream actually provides electricity to the grid if the household isn’t using it. This means that instead of storing the electricity that has been generated in batteries, the Skystream actually feeds it back through your electric meter and reduces your electricity bill. There is a wireless monitor that can hook into a households PC in order to track activity, electric generation, wind speeds, etc. For more information on the Skystream vistit the website of Home Engergy Products.
L to R: Roger Landry, Steve Gorse and Pres. Brian Winslow
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Bike Rodeo Highlights "Click" on thumbnail pictures to open larger pictures.
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, May 18th
Rev. Michael Graham speaks on the Youth Center at the Gilford Community Church - guest of Carroll Stafford
Monday, May 25th
No meeting. Memorial Day. We will meet Tuesday, May 26th.Monday, 1st
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinCLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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