June 22, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 38
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Roger LandrySenior Members:
Peter Karagianis, Jim Fortier, Warren Mitchell, and Howard BaconGuests:
Honorary Member Dick Breton
Ron and Cheryl Hrasna
Dan Feehily guest of Dick Metz
Bill Kosmas guest of Dick Metz
Chris Roberts guest of Dianne Roberts
Dan Feehily Bill Kosmas Chris RobertsWelcome Back:
The club sang a big "howda you do Joe Collie" upon the return of our youngest member.
Joe Collie was back at Kiwanis after fighting swine flu for a couple months.Hey Kiwanis…THANKS!
Steve Loughlin read a thank you note from Ben Perkins one of our of scholarship recipients. Ben, who is a graduate of Laconia High School, is majoring in history at Keene State College. He noted that the scholarship will "greatly alleviate the financial burden of college." You are very welcome, Ben!
Bike Week Recap:
Dick Metz reports that he had a chance to see what a wonderful club we have by working with several members of the club during the week. He says that after expenses, we raised a couple thousand dollars. Denise Dow was given the first annual All Star pin for her going above and beyond and helping out during the week, covering many extra shifts and filling gaps as they came along. Good job, Denise!
Dick Metz really sticks it to Denise Dow.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
50 50:
Howard Bacon won $19.
Howard Bacon is the new Joe Adrignola....he won AGAIN!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughliny
Happy Dollars:
Brian Winslow gave $2...one for the raffle and one for Steve and Paulette Loughlin helping to break down the tent at The Weirs Sunday night.
Larry Murphy also gave a happy dollar for his green jacket being returned.Fines Payable:
Dick Breton advised the club that Charlie St. Clair is now a national celebrity as his ad is being circulated all over the country. Since Charlie doesn't appear to be wearing his Kiwanis pin, a fine may be in order at $1 times the number of printed copies.
Dick Breton shows off Wing World magazine's centerfold. Mr. July is Charlie St. Clair.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinyGuest Speaker:
Dick Breton introduced guests, Ron and Cheryl Hrasna, from Ride for Kids. Ron spoke about his granddaughter, who at the age of 6, had a brain tumor. Years later they heard about a motorcycle ride to benefit kids with brain tumors.
Ron and Cheryl have been involved with the Ride since 1999. Ron said that they have Rides for Kids all across the country and the New England ride is scheduled for August 16th. The first ride was in 1984...now Ride for Kids is 37 rides strong and raised more than $5 million dollars last year.
The Ride for Kids Foundation raises money for equipment…also for education so parents who face this issue know what to also and what treatment to pursue. Ron said current figures show that 6 out of 10 children survive brain tumors. Ron said the foundation is the single highest fund raising engine for tumor research, other than government sources. He showed a DVD on the Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Foundation. Ride for Kids is sponsored by the Honda Riders Club of America, but all makes and models are welcome to join in the ride. On ride day riders are provided with breakfast and a light lunch. The ride runs about 90 minutes and is police escorted. For more information, call 800-253-6530 or log onto their website, by "clicking" here.
On the Boardwalk...
Click" on thumbnail pictures to open larger pictures. Welcome to Bike Week #86 Mindy Beth shows her Phantom Phenders Pres Brian and VP Dick.
Thanks to all who supported Kiwanis! WINNER
$2,000 Custom Finish
by Phantom Phenders:
Rob Leonardo(
New England Patriots Tickets
Justin Contior
Dinner Gift Certificates
Saturday: Joe Green Sunday: Jon Nivus Monday: Nick Landry Tuesday: Mindy Matarazzo Wednesday: Robert Pelkopipo Thursday: Lee Duncan Friday: Mike Shastony Saturday: Randy Masson
Charlie St. Clair was in the news again last week.
In a special supplement entitled Life In The Lakes Region, The Citizen did a feature on Charlie St. Clair. You can read that story by "clicking" on Charlie's picture at the left.
Once opened, "click" on the article to make it larger.
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, June 29th
OPENMonday, July 6th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinCLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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