August 15, 2023 - Vol. 34, No 11



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Date of Meeting: August 15, 2023

Venue: The Belknap Mill

Attendance: 12 in attendance: 9 members and 3 guests


Kiwanis Members:
Betty Ballantyne
Phil Bonafide
Ray Chambers
Bill Gile
Steve Loughlin
Don Nelson
Tara Shore
Keith Styles
Zach Dea

Dave Barth – Guest Speaker - Food Procurement Officer - Laconia
Brad Geltz – Guest Speaker - Assistant Food Procurement Officer -Laconia
Sue Nelson – Honorary Member and wife of Don

Dave Barth
Brad Geltz
Sue Nelson
Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

President Bill commenced the meeting at 6:00 pm by greeting the members and introducing our guests.

Bill’s comments were followed by:
• The opening prayer led by Phil Bonafide
• The Pledge of Allegiance
God Bless America led by Don Nelson

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvThe Pledge




NEXT CLUB MEETING: Tuesday, September 19th to be held at 6:00 pm at the Belknap Mill. Our presenter will be Cassie Contigiani, Executive Director of 603 United.

KIWANIS KIDS KORNER: Our next community event is the Kid's Korner at the Multicultural Fest on Saturday, September 9th at Rotary Park and Belknap Mill. Our time slot is 9:45 am till 3:00 pm. We are asking to man two shifts, one at 10 am till 12:30 pm and 12:30 pm till 3:00 pm. At this point in time, Tara and Betty volunteered along with Abby Teichert. Bill mentioned he’d want two to three volunteers for each shift.

K.A.R.E.S.: During early summer, each of the three elementary schools sent in their orders to Scholastic Books for the incoming school year. Betty has sent a letter to the Media Specialists to notify her, when they receive their books, that their order is correct. Upon receipt of the books, we will then pay for them in full to Scholastic Books.


HAPPY DOLLARS: $22 was collected

$2 from Tara Shore: $1 because she was happy to see Brad Geltz and $1 because she was happy to see a local young lady (Drea Campo – Gene Caroselli’s granddaughter) heading to NYC to fulfill her dream in theatre
$2 from Don Nelson: "just because”
$1 from Phil Bonafide because his 1970 GTO is now running again
$5 from Bill Gile: $1 in celebration of he and Paula’s 43rd wedding anniversary, $1 because his son just purchased his first home (in VT.), $2 for Brad Geltz & Dave Barth’s presentation, and $1 dollar just because
$2 from Zach for his two kids playing soccer
$2 from Ray Chambers: $1 to celebrate his 51st wedding anniversary, and $1 because his Resident Trustee forum (at The Taylor Community) is over
$2 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 in recognition of how fabulous Don Nelson is at 81 years young (soon to be 82) and $1 because Sue is aging beautifully
$2 from Brad Geltz because his oldest daughter was recently married a week ago and it went well, and $1 because he is happy to be present with Dave Barth.
$1 from Steve Loughlin because he recently celebrated 51 years of marriage to Paulette
$3 from Dave Barth because he plays golf with Bill Gile three times a week and he (Dave) always beats him.

FOOD PANTRY: $34 was collected



Bill Gile introduced our guest speakers Dave Barth and Brad Geltz. Both are board members with Laconia. Dave is the Chief Food Procurement Officer for the organization and Brad is the Assistant Food Procurement Officer.

Below are a few facts about Laconia that were mentioned by Dave and Brad during their presentation
Laconia was developed 14 years ago out of a growing concern for the children not being fed while on summer break.
• The Children’s Auction seeded the first year start of Laconia.
Laconia has served more than 330,000 meals over the 13 summers.
• Since its inception, 19 towns in various states have developed a program including PA, VT, OH and NH towns.
Laconia has received support from our School Superintendent Steve Tucker, Bob Champlin (former School Superintendent), the school administration, and Michaela Champlin (Principal of Woodland Heights School)
Laconia currently has 7 advisory members and 10 board members. They are looking for help on their boards.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBrad Geltz and Dave Barth address the group.

OF INTEREST: On Saturday August 19th, The Laconia Daily Sun did a feature story on Laconia. The article included the details (and more) about what was discussed by Brad and Dave during their presentation to the Laconia Kiwanis Club.
To read the in-depth story from The Laconia Daily Sun, "click" here.

SUPPORT Laconia: During the presentation, a brochure was handed out requesting support of the Laconia program. To read that handout, "click" here.

Post Presentation Picture: Bill Gile (center) enjoys a moment with guest speakers: Brad Geltz (left) and Dave Barth


President Bill adjourned the meeting at 7:05 P.M.


During the month of August, we received three more thank you notes from students who received scholarships from the Laconia Kiwanis Club in 2023.
To read those thank you notes, “click” on the respective pictures below.
Jordan Byars
Brian Winslow III
Emma Winslow
The Laconia Kiwanis Club received several notes of appreciation from 3rd graders at Woodland Heights School for our Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S. program. Below are some of those thank you messages.
"Click" on any of the pictures below to view a larger picture.

Many thanks to Joe Adrignola, Betty Ballantyne, Zach Dea, Phil Bonafide, Bill Gile and Brian Winslow for their assistance with this bulletin.





Tuesday - September 5th - Venue: ZOOM MEETING
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday - September 19th : Venue: The Belknap Mill
6:00 pm - Our presenter will be Cassie Contigiani, Executive Director of 603 United.


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