September 19, 2023 - Vol. 34, No 12



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Date of Meeting: September 19, 2023

Venue: The Belknap Mill

Attendance: 15 in attendance: 8 members and 7 guests


Kiwanis Members:
Betty Ballantyne
Zach Dea
Steve Loughlin
Don Nelson
Tara Shore
Kara Stanley
Keith Styles
Bob Willey

Cassie Contigiani – guest speaker – CEO/Executive Director of 603 United
Aiden Coulette – son of Kara Stanley
John Intorcio – arrived as a guest and left as a new member
Rosemary Murphy - Honorary Member
Lauren Murphy – daughter of Honorary Member Rosemary Murphy
Sue Nelson – Honorary Member and wife of Don
Abby Teichert – former LHS Key Club Vice President

Cassie Contigiani
Aiden Coulette
John Intorcio
Rosemary Murphy
Lauren Murphy
Sue Nelson
Abby Teichert
Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

In the absence of President Bill Gile, President-Elect, Betty Ballantyne led the meeting.

• The opening prayer was led by Kara Stanley
• The Pledge of Allegiance - participated by all
God Bless America led by Don Nelson

Betty introduced our guests and then read the Objects of Kiwanis.

Betty Ballantyne reads the Objects of Kiwanis to the group.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Betty then called on Bob Willey, Lt. Gov. Division 5 and Laconia Kiwanis Club member to introduce and induct our newest member, John Intorcio. Bob Willey read the following background information on John:

This month, John celebrates his 31st year of marriage to his wife, Shawn. John and Shawn, have two sons Joshua, 28 (an architect in NYC) and Jacob, 27 (a cyber-security consultant in Boston). John and Shawn also have a rescued pit-bull named Asia.

Before retiring in September of 2022, John started his career as an HVAC engineer. He subsequently became a software engineer, and then, for the last 25+ years, John was an engineering team lead and project manager in the electronics industry. John enjoys traveling, hiking, scuba diving, skiing, and cooking. Upcoming travel plans include a river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest.


John Intorcio is congratulated by Bob Willey as our newest club member.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

NEXT CLUB MEETING: Tuesday, October 17, 2023, Location TBD

K.A.R.E.S. (Kids And Reading Equals Success): Betty Ballantyne reported we are off and running. All three elementary schools have their books for their third graders at Elm Street, Pleasant Street and Woodland Heights. Elm Street Elementary dates have been set by Toni Manning. They are October 17th, December 5th and February 13th and will be held from 9:00 am until 10:00 am.


HAPPY DOLLARS: $25 was collected

$4 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 for Abby Teichert attending, $1 for Lauren & Rosemary Murphy attending, $1 for Cassie Contigiani as our guest speaker and $1 for having John Intorcio joining the club.
$4 from Bob Willey: $1 because he enjoyed coming to Laconia for an international festival along with the Governor, $1 because the Hookset club had a very successful trail race with 80+ people and made over $5,000, $1 to congratulate John Intorcio for becoming a member of the club, and $1 for all the non-members (Potential Members) in attendance.
$5 from Zach Dea for the end of the rain
$1 from Rosemary Murphy who was happy to be at the meeting
$1 from Lauren Murphy who is happy to be a grandmother
$3 from Sue Nelson: $1 for John Intorcio being inducted in the club, $1 for Bob Willey helping the club, and $1 because her sewing machine was fixed.
$2 from John Intorcio because he “was happy to be here and looking forward to being here tomorrow.”
$5 from Kara Stanley: $1 because Aidan turned 17, $1 because her youngest granddaughter started kindergarten at Elm Street School, $1 because she is happy to be back, $1 to welcome John Intorcio, and $1 because she is excited to hear the presentation by Cassie Contigiani.

FOOD PANTRY: $54 was collected


Betty introduced our guest speaker, Cassie Contigiani the CEO/Executive Director of 603 United and read the following bio:

Cassie is native to the Lakes Region area. She attended the Shaker Regional School District where she first learned about Unified Sports and then continued her education and athletic career at Thomas College in Waterville, Maine. Cassie received a Bachelor’s Degree in Sport Management in 2019 and went on to receive a Masters in Business Administration through Thomas College’s accelerated MBA program in 2020. Cassie was also selected to be the class speaker for her graduating class. After graduating in the midst of the pandemic, Cassie was hired at Thomas College as the Assistant Soccer and Softball Coach and as an admissions counselor. During her college athletic career she was a 5-year member and 3-year captain of the women’s soccer team and a 2-year member of the softball team. In 2019, she earned the Terrier Award and in 2020 she earned Female Senior Outstanding Athlete Award and the Rob Nutter Teammate Award. While she was a student at Thomas, she held leadership roles within the Student Athlete Advisory Committee and for the North Atlantic Conference where she had the opportunity to travel through the NCAA. Cassie also was the founder and president of the Special Olympics Club which began in the fall of 2017 after she was sidelined by a season ending injury. Cassie is a true believer in silver linings and due to tearing her ACL, she began the Special Olympics Club which extended her Senior Project from Belmont High School to Thomas College. Cassie is the founder and director of the Lakes Region Unified Basketball Jamboree which began in 2015. This jamboree is what sparked and clicked with Cassie that sports and athletics are so much more than winning and losing. After the first Jamboree, Cassie had the opportunity to be an ambassador at the 2015 Special Olympics World Games where she was able to represent New Hampshire and the United States. Cassie is extremely excited to be home in New Hampshire continuing what started as her senior project and has now become her full time job.


Cassie Contigiani addresses the group.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Cassie reported that 603 United is a new nonprofit that stands by: “Live United and Be Inclusive." Their goal is to provide social inclusion activities for adults 18+ with and without an intellectual disability. 603 United is dedicated to creating a community that fosters healthy relationships, healthy lifestyles, and inclusion within the Lakes Region. 603 United provides opportunities for its members to participate in, but are not limited to, team sports, individual sports, arts and crafts, music, outdoor activities, indoor activities, and more. The ultimate goal of 603 United is for its Club Members and Volunteers to create friendships and memories that go beyond their programs. For more information, visit their website by “clicking” here.

Cassie Contigiani and Betty Ballantye enjoy a moment at the conclusion of the presentation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

With no further business to come before us, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Prior to leaving the meeting, the participants shared a special cake welcoming our newest member - John Intorcio.

A special cake for the new guy.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


John Intorcio with his Welcome Cake.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin





During the month of September, we received a thank you note from Madison Brooks who received a scholarship from the Laconia Kiwanis Club in 2023.
To read that note, "click" on the picture below.

from Madison Brooks

MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL: The event was held on Saturday, September 9th at the Belknap Mill and Rotary Park. Kiwanis New England Bermuda District Governor, John Falconer & wife Lindy volunteered, along with Bill Gile, Zach Dae and his family (Sara, Alex and Abby), Don & Sue Nelson, Betty Ballantyne, Friend of Kiwanis - Abby Teichert, and Laconia Human Relations Committee member Carrie Chandler and her husband Howard Chandler. We participated with Kids Korner by paying for the items needed to craft the Native Indian Dream Catcher, a Mexican “God’s Eye” and an African Necklace and by volunteering to help at the craft tables from 10 am until 3 pm. If our club elects and agrees to support the festival next year, our hope is that it will be possible to rename the tent & activities: Kiwanis Kids Kraft Korner.

The following are a few of the pictures of the Kids Korner that were taken by Betty Ballantyne and Carrie Chandler.

John and Lindy Falconer
Bill Gile
Betty Ballantyne
Don Nelson
Sue Nelson and Abby Teichert
Alex and Zach Dea


Congratulations to Phil Bonafide who took first place at the 6th Annual Car Show at the Red, White, & Brew Festival benefit Veterans Count, which was held on September 30th at Funspot in Laconia. Proceeds from the event provide critical and timely assistance and services to Granite State service members, veterans, and their families to ensure their dignity, health, and overall well-being.

A view of some of the competition at the 6th Annual Car Show at the Red, White, & Brew Festival held at Funspot.

Top car show prizes were awarded in four categories: American Muscle, Classic, Exotic and Custom Built. Phil Bonafide took first place in the American Muscle car category with his 1970 Pontiac GTO.

A Bonafide American Muscle Car Winner: 1970 Pontiac GTO
Above two photos by: Phil Bonafide


A muscle car, a first-place trophy, and a muscle guy
Photo by Jackie Bonafide


Many thanks to Joe Adrignola, Betty Ballantyne, Zach Dea, Phil Bonafide, and Bob Willey for their assistance with this bulletin.





Tuesday - October 3rd - Venue: ZOOM MEETING
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday - October 17th : Venue: To Be Announced
6:00 pm - Installation of Officers and Directors


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