October 16, 2024 - Vol. 36, No 1



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Date of Meeting: October 16, 2024

Venue: Patrick's Pub & Eatery - The Emerald Room

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Attendance: 22 in attendance: 11 members and 11 guests


Kiwanis Members:
Betty Ballantyne
Phil Bonafide
Ray Chambers
Zach Dea
Bill Gile
Steve Loughlin
Don Nelson
Tara Shore
Keith Styles
Abby Teichert
Bob Willey

Russ Beane – former Kiwanian
Jackie Bonafide – wife of Phil Bonafide
Paula Chambers wife of Ray Chambers
Paula Gile wife of Bill Gile
Pam Landry – wife of Roger Landry
Roger Landry – former Kiwanian
Rosemary Murphy - Honorary Member
Lauren Murphy – daughter of Honorary Member Rosemary Murphy
Sue Nelson – Honorary Member and wife of Don Nelson
Laura Nesmith - Lt. Governor Division 4
Warren Mitchell - former Kiwanian

Russ Beane
Jackie Bonafide
Paula Chambers
Paula Gile
Pam Landry
Roger Landry
Rosemary Murphy
Lauren Murphy
Sue Nelson
Laura Nesmith
Warren Mitchell
Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

President Betty Ballantyne opened the meeting at 6:04 pm by thanking all in attendance and introducing our guests.

This was followed by:
Invocation: by Ray Chambers
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Betty Ballantyne
Song: My Country Tis of Thee led by Don Nelson

The Pledge
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



The members and guests enjoy food and conversation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


We were honored to welcome Lt. Governor Laura Nesmith from Kiwanis Division 4 as our guest speaker.

Laura has served in various leadership roles, including as Lieutenant Governor for Division 6 during the 2021-2022 Kiwanis year, and was instrumental in establishing the Nashua Kiwanis Club, where she remains an active member.

Laura installed the Officers and Directors for the 2024-25 fiscal year noting there were no changes from the prior year.
are as follows: Betty Ballantyne – President, Zach Dea – Treasurer and Bill Gile – Secretary
Board Members
include: Betty Ballantyne, Zach Dea, Bill Gile, Steve Loughlin, Tara Shore and Keith Styles

Laura then addressed our members with inspiring words about the Kiwanis mission to serve children and improve communities, reinforcing the vision of creating a world where all children are nurtured and supported. She expressed her admiration for our club’s dedication to the Lakes Region and encouraged us to continue our growth and impact. We are grateful for Laura's visit, her insights, and her encouragement to keep serving our community with enthusiasm and commitment.

At the request of President Betty Ballantyne, Phil Bonafide was pleased to announce this year’s Kiwanian of the Year. Phil began his presentation by reading about the history of the award.

The Kiwanian of the Year award has been an honored tradition of the Laconia Kiwanis Club since 1970. It was established when the Education & Attendance Committee, chaired by Richard Cilley, recommended an annual award to recognize one member’s exceptional service and dedication. The committee also developed the guidelines for this prestigious recognition.

The selection process includes the club president, past president, and club secretary. They carefully review candidates based on attendance, participation, involvement in projects, meetings, interclub activities, and committee work. The goal is to choose a Kiwanian who exemplifies an outstanding commitment to these values.

The original trophy was dedicated to Ned Roberts, a charter member and club president in 1935. Notably, Ned achieved 35 years of perfect attendance, a testament to his dedication to Kiwanis. To date, the Kiwanian of the Year award has been presented 51 times.

Phil then noted:

Tonight, I am honored to present the 52nd Kiwanian of the Year award. This year’s recipient joined our club in June 2021 and, in just a few short years, has become an invaluable member of the Laconia Kiwanis community. She has supported our K.A.R.E.S. Program (Kids & Reading Equals Success), helped with the Fall Clean Up at Belknap House alongside the Laconia High School Key Club, and volunteered at our Kiwanis Free Throw Competition.

She co-chaired and transformed our Bike Safety Rodeo into Bike 'n' Board Safety Day, expanding its reach to include children with scooters and skateboards, ensuring that safety education covered a wider range of activities. This new vision has elevated the event to a new level of impact and popularity. Beyond events, she has strengthened our digital presence by managing the club’s Facebook page, promoting our fund raising efforts, sharing community involvement, and spotlighting the positive impact of our work—living the Kiwanis mission of improving one child and one community at a time.

Her research led us to Zeffy, an online fund raising platform with zero fees, helping us raise more funds for charitable causes while minimizing expenses.

She currently serves as President for the Laconia Historical & Museum Society, whereas their mission is to preserve, share and protect Laconia’s culture, heritage and rich history.

This year's recipient is a mother of two grown sons, married to her husband Michael, a dog Mom, a graduate of Quinnipiac College and currently serves as an Assistant at the New Hampshire Public Defender’s office.

Now, it is my great pleasure to announce the 2024 Kiwanian of the Year: Tara Shore!

The group gives a round of applause to Tara Shore.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Phil Bonafide presents Tara Shore the Kiwanian of the Year trophy.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Kiwanian of the Year, Tara Shore, and President Betty Ballantyne enjoy the moment.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Bob Willey was pleased to address the club with the Objects of Kiwanis as well as a history of the organization.

Bob noted: Kiwanis was started in 1915 in Detroit Michigan. Its initial name was The Benevolent Order of Brothers. However, shortly after, they decided to change the name to Kiwanis which is an Indian derivative with the translation being We Trade. Tied to that, Kiwanis had a Motto starting in 1920 of We Build. That continued until 2005 when the motto changed to: Serving the Children of the World, which is much more appropriate for what Kiwanis does today. Additionally, Kiwanis adopted a Mission Statement of: Improve the World one child and one community at a time.

Bob then stated that the six Objects of Kiwanis were started in 1924 and now, one hundred years later, they still remain in place just the same as they were 100 years ago. The hope is that they continue for many more years. The Objects of Kiwanis are:

• Prioritize the human and spiritual: Put human and spiritual values above material values
• Practice the Golden Rule: Live the Golden Rule in all relationships
• Promote higher standards: Encourage higher standards in business, social, and professional life
• Develop citizenship: Develop a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship
• Build communities: Provide a way to build communities, form friendships, and perform altruistic service
• Create public opinion: Work together to create and maintain public opinion and idealism



Betty began her remarks by reviewing the various Community Events in which the Club participated. The following is a summary of those events:

K.A.R.E.S. (Kids & Reading Equals Success) 3 elementary school with a total of 9 visits - Participants included Bill Gile and Betty Ballantyne as well as other Kiwanis Members and many Friends of Kiwanis

2nd Annual Kiwanis Free Throw Competition Co-chairs were Keith Styles & Betty Ballantyne. This event was heavily supported by sponsors.

Bike ‘n’ Board Safety Day Co-chaired by Tara Shore and Zach Dea - The event morphed from bikes alone and now includes skateboards and scooters This event was heavily supported by sponsors.

LHS Key Club Fall Clean Up at The Belknap House
LHS Key Club Spring Clean Up of Bond Beach
LHS Key Club Penny Wars – Winner – Ice Cream Social
LHS Key Club Collaboration

Laconia Multicultural Festival
Kiwanis Kids Kraft Korner - Chair – Zach Dea - Participants included club members & Friends of Kiwanis

Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation
Since 1956, the Laconia Kiwanis Club has donated $152,475 YTD in scholarships
Steve Loughlin handles this program with collaboration from Key Club Advisor, Jilli Paul

Friends of Kiwanis – Meet & Greet Co-Chair Betty Ballantyne & Tara Shore

Salvation Army – Bell Ringing
In 2023, 13 groups participating in this annual event raising nearly $33,000
LHS Key Club raised the greatest amount of money
Belknap Sheriff came in second place
Laconia Kiwanis Club came in third place

Lakes Region Children’s Auction
Kiwanis Family Night
Grant Monies earned the club $2,000 in 2023

Betty then acknowledged some of the FUNDRAISING activities by the club over her 2023-2024 term and those who made them successful:

Fall - Fuel Raffle Thank you, Kara Stanley
Hydration Station during Bike Week Many hours supported by our club members and Friends of Kiwanis
Special thanks to Bill Gile & John Walker

Lakes Region Gaming
Thanks to Phil Bonafide & Zach Dea

Mayhew & Circle – Twin Barns

Bulletin Ad Sponsors
Thanks to Steve for designing and producing the Newsletter


The meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.

Betty Ballantyne rings the bell concluding the meeting.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



L to R: Warren Mitchell, Roger Landry and Russ Beane
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


KIWANIS K.A.R.E.S. (Kids And Reading Equals Success)
On Friday, October 25th, the Laconia Kiwanis Club held a K.A.R.E.S. event at Elm Street School.
Participating in the event were Betty Ballantyne, John & Shawn Intorcio and Keith Styles.
John Intorcio and Shawn Intorcio instill the love of reading in the Elm Street School students.
Keith Styles and students enjoy a photo op moment.
KARES photos by Betty Ballantyne



On October 2nd, members of the Laconia Kiwanis Club were proud to participate with Altrusa members and HATT volunteers in serving dinners at Hands Across The Table (HATT.) Kiwanians participating included: Betty Ballantyne, Bill Gile, Steve Loughlin, Jilli Paul (Key Club Advisor) and Abby Teichert.

HATT is a community meal program that provides a free sit-down dinner to those in need in the Greater Laconia area each Wednesday from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm at the St. Andre Bessette Parish Hall on Gilford Ave. in Laconia (behind Sacred Heart Church).

On the night the Kiwanis Club participated, 75 guests were served dinners in the dining room. Guests took home an additional 70 meals.

L to R: Bill Gile, Abby Teichert, Steve Loughlin, Betty Ballantyne, Jilli Paul


Front Row: L to R: Gloria Gallant (Altrusa), Len Campbell (HATT), Stephanie Gilbert (Altrusa), Paulette Loughlin (Friend of Kiwanis), Brenda Tillotson (Altrusa),
Debbie Cotton (Altrusa Team Leader), Cathy O’Donnell (HATT)
Second Row: L to R: Brenda Allen (HATT), Bill Gile, (Kiwanis) Jilli Paul (LHS Key Club Advisor),
Abby Teichert (Kiwanis), Betty Ballantyne (Laconia Club Kiwanis Club Team Leader), and Steve Loughlin (Kiwanis)

Above HATT photos by Debbie Frawley Drake


Many thanks to Joe Adrignola, Betty Ballantyne, Debbie Frawley Drake, and Phil Bonafide, for their assistance with this bulletin.





Wednesday - November 6th : Venue: ZOOM MEETING
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday - November 20th: Venue: Laconia Police Department - Community Room
6:00 pm - Guest Speakers: John and Shawn Intorcio

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