December 18, 2024 - Vol. 36, No 3



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Date of Meeting: December 18, 2024

Venue: The home of Bill and Paula Gile

Above photo by Bill Gile


Attendance: 16 in attendance: 11 members and 5 guests


Kiwanis Members:
Betty Ballantyne
Phil Bonafide
Zach Dea
Bill Gile
John Intorcio
Shawn Intorcio
Steve Loughlin
Don Nelson
Tara Shore
Abby Teichert
Bob Willey

Jackie Bonafide - wife of Phil
Paula Gile – wife of Bill
Larry Lauze – friend of Betty Ballantyne
Paulette Loughlin - wife of Steve
Sue Nelson – Honorary Member and wife of Don Nelson

Jackie Bonafide
Paula Gile
Larry Lauze
Paulette Loughlin
Sue Nelson
Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


John Intorcio warms his hands.


Pick #1
Abby Teichert
Abby gets first choice of gifts.
Don, Abby and Zack all peak in the box and view....
... a wreath in the spirit of the season
Pick #2
Sue Nelson
Sue Nelson grabs a bag containing numerous gifts.
First Gift: Prosecco Italian sparkling wine
Second Gift: Holiday Riches scratch tickets
Third Gift: a box of fancy jellies
Pick #3
Bill Gile
Bill grabs a blue bag, and opens it to find.....
...a bottle of Collective Arts gin.
Pick #4
Bob Willey
Bob chooses a present wrapped in the same blue paper as Bill's present.
Bob is excited to open his present.
Bob proudly shows off his bottle of Martini & Rossi Asti Spumante.
Pick #5
Phil Bonafide
Phil opens his gift and finds....
... a bottle of Decoy Cabernet Sauvignon
Pick #6
Zach Dea
Zach opens his gift as Jackie Bonifide looks on.
Zach shows off a very practical gift.
A close-up of Zach's gift
Pick #7
Betty Ballantyne
Betty is excited to open her present.
It feels awfully heavy (because it's loaded with decoys).
We all know what that is!
Big Mouth Billy Bass is back!
Pick #8
Don Nelson
Don chooses a pretty red box.
Don opens his gift.
Don's gift is a Nostalgia Retro Pop-Up Hot Dog Toaster.
Pick #9
Paula Gile
Paula looks in the bag and finds....
Christmas wine bottle covers.
Pick #10
Jackie Bonafide
Jackie grabs a present and gets....
...a warm snuggly blanket.
Pick #11
Shawn Intorcio
Shawn grabs a box that is filled with....
... Christmas place mats.
Pick #12
Paulette Loughlin
Paulette picks up a bag and....
...exchanges it for Jackie's blanket.
Paulette is happy with her snuggly blanket.
Jackie opens the bag that Paulette traded.
Jackie greets her bottle of Hornitos Tequila with a big smile.
Pick #13
Tara Shore
Tara opens her gift bag and finds...
... a gift basket of Ghirardelli chocolate treats.
Pick #13
John Intorcio
John picks up a bag and immediately exchanges it for Tara's chocolates.
Shawn enviously eyes John's basket of chocolate treats.
Tara looks in the bag handed to her by John and finds...
...two scratch tickets and a Milwaukee multi-tool screwdriver.
Final Pick
Since Abby Teichert drew the lowest number, she gets to trade her initial gift with any person she chooses.
Amy chooses Bill's gift and ...
...gladly hands over her Christmas wreath to Bill.


The evening concluded with a group sing-a-long of Jingle Bells led by Betty’s friend, Larry Lauze.
To view a video of the performance, “click” here.
Betty Ballantyne and Larry Lauze
Many thanks to our hosts: Paula and Bill Gile
All Christmas party photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

The party concluded shortly after 8:15 pm.


The Kiwanis Club of Laconia proudly sponsored a U8 (under eight years old) soccer team in the Laconia Youth Soccer League (LYSL), the recreational soccer program serving the Laconia area. The team wrapped up their season with a final game on October 5th at Opechee Park. Laconia Kiwanis joined other local sponsors, including Finn & Finn, Foley Oil, Home Energy Products, Irwin Automotive Group, Melcher & Prescott, Rist Frost Shumway, and South End Pizza & Seafood, in supporting the U8 division.

Throughout the season, the young players of the Laconia Kiwanis team had the opportunity to learn new skills, stay active, and embrace the spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship.

Photo by DC Sports

On December 11th, the Laconia Kiwanis Club had a major presence at this year’s Family Fun Night which is part of the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction. Approximately 600 parents, grandparents, and children attended this year's event which was held at the Belknap Marketplace.

In addition to members and spouses from the Laconia Kiwanis Club, several members of the Laconia High School Key Club and Woodland Heights School faculty were actively involved.

Background: The Belknap Marketplace was crowded with participants of all ages who enjoyed Family Fun Night.
Foreground: Tara Shore and Zack Dea enjoy the moment.
Zach was involved in greeting and managing the holiday theme face painting.
At the Santa's Workshop Station, John Intorcio helps kids build wooden crafts from kits provided by Lowe's.

At the Santa's Workshop Station, Keith Styles opens the
directions so he can build a butterfly birdhouse
for his niece, Harper.

Keith reads the directions carefully as Harper looks on.
To view the completed butterfly birdhouse and
to find out if Harper liked it, “click” here.
The Laconia Kiwanis brought 300 books for children to take home.
In the above picture, an eager reader looks on with Don and Sue Nelson.
The LHS Key Club was happy to serve cookies.
L to R: Kathryn Beane, Jilli Paul (Key Club Advisor),
and Sophia Downes
Tara Shore is happy to receive a Christmas cookie
from Jilli Paul.
Woodland Heights Elementary School librarian, Robbie Neylon, and kindergartner teacher, Liz Erickson,
read Christmas-themed children’s books to kids in the Mattress Firm storefront.
B E L I E V E R S….
Bill Gile, Santa, Tara Shore
Shawn Intorcio and Santa
KNEELING: L to R: Tara Shore with Key Clubbers: Sophia Downes, Haily McCarty, and Abigail Hayward
SECOND ROW: L to R: Don Nelson, Keith Styles, Jilli Paul (LHS Key Club Advisor), Sue Nelson, Santa, Shawn Intorcio,
John Intorcio, The Grinch, Bill Gile and Zach Dea
2024 Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


Annually, in late December, members of the Laconia Kiwanis Club, together with family and friends, ring the bell in downtown Laconia for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign. The Red Kettle Campaign helps raise money for those who need it most in the community providing toys for kids, coats for the homeless, food for the hungry and countless social service programs.

Although there was no precipitation, it was very cold as temperatures ranged from 9 to 22 degrees.

Below are pictures of the Kiwanis members, family, and friends of Kiwanis who volunteered their time on December 23, 2024.

FIRST SHIFT (9:00 am - 10:00 am)
L to R: Betty Ballantyne and Brad Geltz
Betty and Brad on duty
Brad nets a donation.
SECOND SHIFT (10:00 am - 11:00 am)
Second Shift volunteers, Shawn Intorcio & John Intorcio (center) are flanked by Betty (at left) and Brad (at right).
Shawn and John waive down the vehicles.
THIRD SHIFT (11:00 am - 12:00 pm)
Betty Ballantyne does a second tour of duty, this time with Jilli Paul, the LHS Key Club Advisor.
Jilli nets a donation.
Betty nets a donation.
FOURTH SHIFT (12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
Zach Dea relieves Betty and Jilli to handle the fourth shift.
L to R: Jilli Paul, Zach Dea and Betty Ballantyne
Zach Dea nets a contribution.
FIFTH SHIFT (1:00 pm - 2:00 pm)
Betty Ballantyne is back to handle another shift.
SIXTH SHIFT (2:00 pm - 3:00 pm)
L to R: Phil Bonafide and Steve Loughlin
Above photo by Betty Ballantyne
Phil solicits a smiling motorist.
Phil receives a donation.
SEVENTH SHIFT (3:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
Despite coming back for an additional shift in the sub-freezing weather, Betty Ballantyne demonstrates a big smile....
...a goofy sense of humor and...
... an upbeat attitude!
Betty receives a donation.
EIGHTH SHIFT (4:00 pm - 5:00 pm)
Front: L to R: Ava, the dog, with Emma Laurent
Rear: Zack Laurent, Amber Costa, Grace Laurent and Scott Laurent
For the second year in a row, six-year old Emma Laurent demonstrated her amazing ability to attract numerous donations.
The pictures that follow show Emma collecting 14 donations in a time span of just six-minutes!
Emma takes a well-earned moment to warm herself next to the gas heater.
Unless otherwise noted, all Salvation Army photos by W. Stephen Loughlin




We are very sad to report the passing of long time Kiwanian, Paul Cotton on December 2, 2024.

Paul, who retired from the Laconia Kiwanis Club in 2012, had been an outstanding member for many years. Paul served as Club president for two separate terms: 1991-1992 and 2004-2005. He was voted Kiwanian of the Year in 1990.

To read a celebration of Paul's life, “click” here.

From 2004: President Paul Cotton presides over the meeting.
From 2004: Debbie and Paul Cotton
From 2004: Paul Cotton with Peter and Lydia Karagianis
Paul had presented Peter with a Tablet of Honor for his 55 years
as an active and valued member in the Laconia Kiwanis Club.
NOTE: To view a close-up of the Tablet of Honor, "click" on the above picture.
from 2005: Paul shows off his plaque for outstanding leadership as club President..
from 2005: Paul passes the president's gavel to Joe Collie.
from 2009: the Dynamite Duet of Don Nelson and Paul Cotton
from 2009: Biker Buddies- Warren Mitchell and Paul Cotton
from 2017: Past President Paul Cotton with Past President Phil Bonafide
Godspeed, Paul!
Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


Many thanks to Joe Adrignola, Betty Ballantyne, Phil Bonafide, Kathy Calvin, Zach Dea, Bill Gile, John Intorcio, Sue Nelson, Jilli Paul, Keith Styles, and Tara Shore for their assistance with this bulletin.





Thursday - January 2nd : Venue: ZOOM MEETING
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday - January 15th : Venue: WORK Lakes Region - 51 Elm Street Suite 107
6:00 pm - Jodie Gallant will make a presentation on WORK Lakes Region

Our January 15th meeting will be held at WORK Lakes Region located at 51 Elm Street Suite 107.
Below are directions. To view the directions in a larger (PDF) format, "click" here.


If you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), please give Steve Loughlin your email address by “clicking ” here.

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